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CedPane: Cn

Last update: 2024-07-17
Please read the Introduction to CedPane if you don't know what this is---求求大家读读序言
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WordSimplifiedTraditionalPinyinYale (provisional)IPA
CNN; Cable News Network (USA)美国有线电视新闻网美國有線電視新聞網Měiguó Yǒuxiàn Diànshì Xīnwén WǎngMéih-gwok Yáuh-sin Dihn-sih Sān-màhn Móhng
CNV; NCV (Chinese New Version, at one time called New Chinese Version)新译新譯Xīn YìSān Yihk
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This is part of CedPane, Silas S. Brown / public domain.