# Python 2 script to rename/block MSN contacts in Skype 6 # Silas S. Brown 2013, Version 1.1, Public Domain, no warranty # Usual disclaimers apply: don't blame me for any damage # (I suggest you back up your data before trying this). # Also, make sure to quit Skype before accessing its files! # Tested on a Mac OS 10.7 machine running Skype # (and 6.2), and bringing contacts over from Adium 2.0 # (but this can easily be changed) # Where to find history: # on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/bits-and-bobs # and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/bits-and-bobs # and on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/bits-and-bobs # and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/bits-and-bobs # and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/bits-and-bobs import os # You can set blist_file to a blist.xml file used by a libpurple application # such as Pidgin or Adium. (This is optional.) # The following is correct for Adium 2.0: blist_file = os.environ["HOME"]+"/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/blist.xml" # The following dictionary will override blist_file (and # will also be used if blist_file is missing) ID2alias_override = { "test1@example.com" : "Test One", "test2@example.com" : "Test Two", } # The following is a list of MSN emails you want to block. # Adium block list will be added to these. blocks = [ "test1@example.com", "test2@example.com", ] # ------------------------------------------------ import sqlite3, commands import xml.etree.ElementTree as et def walkXml(e): name=alias=None for c in e.getchildren(): if c.tag=="name": name=c.text elif c.tag=="alias": alias=c.text elif c.tag=="block": blocks.append(c.text) if name and alias: yield (name,alias) else: for c in e.getchildren(): for i in walkXml(c): yield i try: blist = open(blist_file).read() except: blist = None if blist: print "Reading contacts from",blist_file name2alias = dict(walkXml(et.fromstring(blist))) else: print "Cannot read",blist_file,"(skipping)" name2alias = {} name2alias.update(ID2alias_override) for db in commands.getoutput(r"find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Skype/*/main.db").split("\n"): print "Accessing database",db conn = sqlite3.connect(db) c=conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM Contacts") changes = [] for t in c.fetchall()[:]: if not len(t)==96: continue # skip (maybe wrong version, might need to print them up and check) mail = t[3] if mail: # TODO: t[49] isauthorized INTEGER, t[51] isblocked INTEGER if mail.startswith("1:"): mail=mail[2:] if mail in name2alias and (t[33]==t[36] or not t[36]) and not t[33]==t[36]==name2alias[mail]: print "Changing %s from %s to %s" % (mail,repr(t[33]),repr(name2alias[mail])) t=list(t) t[33]=t[36]=name2alias[mail] # TODO: omit t[36] if it was None? (if so, also change the last condition of the 'if' above) changes.append(tuple(t)) print "Making",len(changes),"changes" if changes: c.executemany("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Contacts VALUES ("+",".join(["?"]*len(changes[0]))+")", changes) else: print "Cannot find any changes to make. Perhaps they are already made, or do you have a different version of Skype?" print "Blocking %d emails" % len(blocks) c.executemany("UPDATE Contacts SET isblocked=1 WHERE skypename=?",[["1:"+b] for b in blocks]) conn.commit() ; conn.close() for db in commands.getoutput(r"find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Skype/*/eas.db").split("\n"): print "Accessing database",db conn = sqlite3.connect(db) c=conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM properties") changes = [] for t in c.fetchall()[:]: if not len(t)==3: continue # skip (maybe wrong version, might need to print them up and check) if t[1]=="_skypename" and t[2].startswith("1:") and t[2][2:] in name2alias: print "Changing",t[2][2:],"to",repr(name2alias[t[2][2:]]) # could print "from" but would need to get that from other loop iterations changes.append((t[0],'_FileAs',name2alias[t[2][2:]])) print "Making",len(changes),"changes" if changes: c.executemany("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO properties VALUES (?,?,?)", changes) else: print "Cannot find any changes to make. Perhaps they are already made, or do you have a different version of Skype?" conn.commit() ; conn.close()