#!/usr/bin/env python # (compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3) """webcheck.py v1.603 (c) 2014-24 Silas S. Brown. License: Apache 2""" # (see below) # See webcheck.html for description and usage instructions # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # CHANGES # ------- # If you want to compare this code to old versions, most old # versions are being kept on SourceForge's E-GuideDog SVN repository # http://sourceforge.net/p/e-guidedog/code/HEAD/tree/ssb22/setup/ # use: svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/e-guidedog/code/ssb22/setup # and on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/web-imap-etc # and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/web-imap-etc # and on Bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/web-imap-etc # and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/web-imap-etc # and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/web-imap-etc max_threads = 10 keep_etags = False # if True, will also keep any ETag headers as well as Last-Modified verify_SSL_certificates = False # webcheck's non-Webdriver URLs are for monitoring public services and there's not a lot of point in SSL authentication; failures due to server/client certificate misconfigurations are more trouble than they're worth import traceback, time, pickle, gzip, re, os, sys, socket, hashlib try: import htmlentitydefs # Python 2 except ImportError: import html.entities as htmlentitydefs # Python 3 try: from HTMLParser import HTMLParser # Python 2 except ImportError: # Python 3 from html.parser import HTMLParser as _HTMLParser class HTMLParser(_HTMLParser): def __init__(self): _HTMLParser.__init__(self,convert_charrefs=False) try: from commands import getoutput except: from subprocess import getoutput try: import urlparse # Python 2 except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urlparse # Python 3 try: from StringIO import StringIO # Python 2 except: from io import BytesIO as StringIO # Python 3 try: import Queue # Python 2 except: import queue as Queue # Python 3 try: unichr # Python 2 except: unichr,xrange = chr,range # Python 3 try: from urllib2 import quote,HTTPCookieProcessor,HTTPErrorProcessor,build_opener,HTTPSHandler,urlopen,Request,HTTPError,URLError # Python 2 except: # Python 3 from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import HTTPCookieProcessor,build_opener,HTTPSHandler,urlopen,Request,HTTPErrorProcessor from urllib.error import HTTPError,URLError def B(s): # byte-string from "" literal if type(s)==type("")==type(u""): return s.encode('utf-8') # Python 3 else: return s # Python 2 def S(b): if type(b)==type(""): return b # Python 2 else: return b.decode('utf-8') # Python 3 def U(s): if type(s)==type(u""): return s return s.decode('utf-8') def UL(s): if type(s)==type(u""): return s return s.decode('latin1') def writeBuf(f,w): if hasattr(f,"buffer"): # Python 3 f.flush() # ensure ordering f.buffer.write(w) f.buffer.flush() # ensure ordering else: f.write(w) # Python 2 try: import ssl except: # you won't be able to check https:// URLs ssl = 0 ; verify_SSL_certificates = False if '--single-thread' in sys.argv: max_threads = 1 # use --single-thread if something gets stuck and you need Ctrl-C to generate a meaningful traceback if max_threads > 1: try: import thread # Python 2 except ImportError: import _thread as thread # Python 3 default_filename = "webcheck" + os.extsep + "list" def read_input_file(fname=default_filename): if os.path.isdir(fname): # support webcheck.list etc as a directory ret = [] ; files = os.listdir(fname) if default_filename in files: # do this one first ret += read_input_file(fname+os.sep+default_filename) files.remove(default_filename) for f in files: if f.endswith("~") or f.lower().endswith(".bak"): continue # ignore ret += [(l+" # from "+f) for l in read_input_file(fname+os.sep+f)] return ret try: o = open(fname) except: return [] # not a file or resolvable link to one, e.g. lockfile in a webcheck.list dir lines = o.read().replace("\r","\n").split("\n") lines.reverse() # so can pop() them in order return lines def read_input(): ret = {} # domain -> { url -> checklist [(days,text,elseLogic)] } # elseLogic = None or (url,checklist) days = 0 ; extraHeaders = [] url = mainDomain = None lines = read_input_file() if not lines: print ("No input found") lastList = None # refs a list within ret, of [(days,text,elseLogic)] while lines: line = line_withComment = " ".join(lines.pop().split()) if " #" in line: line = line[:line.index(" #")].strip() if not line or line_withComment[0]=='#': continue if line.startswith(":include"): lines += [(l+" # from "+line) for l in read_input_file(line.split(None,1)[1])] continue if line.endswith(':'): freqCmd = line[:-1] else: freqCmd = line if freqCmd.lower()=="daily": days = 1 elif freqCmd.lower()=="weekly": days = 7 elif freqCmd.lower()=="monthly": days = 30 elif freqCmd.startswith("days"): days=int(freqCmd.split()[1]) else: freqCmd = None if freqCmd: continue if line.startswith("PYTHONPATH="): sys.path = line.split("=",1)[1].replace("$PYTHONPATH:","").replace(":$PYTHONPATH","").split(":") + sys.path # for importing selenium etc, if it's not installed system-wide continue if line.startswith("PATH="): os.environ["PATH"] = ":".join(line.split("=",1)[1].replace("$PATH:","").replace(":$PATH","").split(":") + os.environ.get("PATH","").split(":")) continue isElse = False if line.startswith("else:"): isElse = True line=line[5:].lstrip() line_withComment=line_withComment[5:].lstrip() assert line, "else: must be followed on same line" if line.startswith('also:') and url: text = line_withComment[5:].strip() # and leave url and mainDomain as-is (same as above line), TODO: interaction of 'also:' (and extra headers lines) with 'else:' might not be what users expect elif ':' in line.split()[0] and not line.split(':',1)[1].startswith('//'): header, value = line.split(':',1) ; value=value.strip() if not value or header.lower()=='user-agent': # no value = delete header; user-agent can be set only once so auto-delete any previous setting for e in extraHeaders: if e.startswith(header+':'): extraHeaders.remove(e) if value: extraHeaders.append(line) continue elif line.startswith("c://") and ' ; ' in line_withComment: # shell command (and if a comment character comes before the " ; " we can cope with that) url, text = line_withComment.split(' ; ',1) elif line.startswith("c://"): # command that gives RSS url, text = line, line_withComment[len(line):].lstrip() # RSS only, possibly with comment elif line.startswith('{') and '}' in line_withComment: # webdriver actions = line_withComment[1:line_withComment.index('}')].split() balanceBrackets(actions) text = line_withComment[line_withComment.index('}')+1:].strip() mainDomain = '.'.join(urlparse.urlparse(actions[0]).netloc.rsplit('.',2)[-2:]) # assumes 1st action is a URL url = "wd://"+chr(0).join(actions) if extraHeaders: url += '\n'+'\n'.join(extraHeaders) else: # not webdriver lSplit = line_withComment.split(None,1) if len(lSplit)==1: url, text = lSplit[0],"" # RSS only else: url, text = lSplit assert "://" in url mainDomain = '.'.join(urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc.rsplit('.',2)[-2:]) if extraHeaders: url += '\n'+'\n'.join(extraHeaders) if isElse: assert lastList, "else without suitable rule before it" lastList[-1] = lastList[-1][:2] + ((url,[(0,text,None)]),) # must be days=0 because don't want to re-check the days count when just retrieved and failed something possibly on same URL ('else:' can be used for simple retrying) lastList = lastList[-1][2][1] # ref the above list (the one after url), so 'else' can be used as 'else if' and next iteration extends it else: lastList = ret.setdefault({ # domains to treat as equivalent for rate reduce "superuser.com":"stackoverflow.com", "stackexchange.com":"stackoverflow.com", "askubuntu.com":"stackoverflow.com", }.get(mainDomain,mainDomain),{}).setdefault(url,[]) lastList.append((days,text,None)) return ret def balanceBrackets(wordList): "For webdriver instructions: merge adjacent items of wordList so each item has balanced square brackets (currently checks only start and end of each word; if revising this, be careful about use on URLs). Also checks quotes (TODO: make sure that doesn't interfere with brackets)." bracketLevel = 0 ; i = 0 while i < len(wordList)-1: blOld = bracketLevel if wordList[i][0] in '["': bracketLevel += 1 elif not bracketLevel and (('->"' in wordList[i] and not wordList[i].endswith('->"')) or '="' in wordList[i]): bracketLevel += 1 if wordList[i][-1] in ']"': bracketLevel -= 1 if bracketLevel > 0: wordList [i] += " "+wordList[i+1] del wordList[i+1] ; bracketLevel = blOld else: i += 1 ; bracketLevel = 0 class HTMLStrings(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.theTxt = [] self.omit = False def handle_data(self, data): if self.omit or not data: return elif not data.strip(): self.ensure(' ') else: d2 = data.lstrip() if not d2==data: self.ensure(' ') # (always collapse multiple spaces, even across tags) if d2: self.theTxt.append(re.sub('[ \t\r\n]+',' ',d2.replace(unichr(160).encode('utf-8').decode('latin1'),' '))) def ensure(self,thing): if self.theTxt and self.theTxt[-1].endswith(thing): return self.theTxt.append(thing) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag in "p br div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th tr td table dt dd".split(): self.ensure(' ') # space rather than newline because we might want to watch for a string that goes across headings etc elif tag in ["script","style"]: self.omit=True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag in ["script","style"]: self.omit=False def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.handle_starttag(tag,attrs) self.handle_endtag(tag) def unescape(self,attr): return attr # as we don't use attrs above, no point trying to unescape them and possibly falling over if something's malformed def handle_charref(self,ref): if ref.startswith('x'): self.handle_data(unichr(int(ref[1:],16)).encode('utf-8').decode('latin1')) else: self.handle_data(unichr(int(ref)).encode('utf-8').decode('latin1')) def handle_entityref(self, ref): if ref in htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint: self.handle_data(unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[ref]).encode('utf-8').decode('latin1')) else: self.handle_data(('&'+ref+';')) def text(self): return u''.join(self.theTxt).strip() def htmlStrings(html): parser = HTMLStrings() try: parser.feed(UL(html)) ; parser.close() if type(html)==type(u""): return parser.text(), "" else: return parser.text().encode("latin1"), "" except: return html, "\n- problem extracting strings from HTML at line %d offset %d\n%s" % (parser.getpos()+(traceback.format_exc(),)) # returning html might still work for 'was that text still there' queries; error message is displayed only if it doesn't def main(): # 1 job per domain: global jobs ; jobs = Queue.Queue() for mainDomain,jobItems in read_input().items(): jobs.put((mainDomain,jobItems)) global previous_timestamps try: previous_timestamps = pickle.Unpickler(open(".webcheck-last","rb")).load() except: previous_timestamps = {} old_previous_timestamps = previous_timestamps.copy() for i in xrange(1,max_threads): if jobs.empty(): break # enough are going already thread.start_new_thread(worker_thread,()) worker_thread() ; jobs.join() if previous_timestamps == old_previous_timestamps: return # no point saving if no changes try: pickle.Pickler(open(".webcheck-last","wb")).dump(previous_timestamps) except: sys.stdout.write("Problem writing .webcheck-last (progress was NOT saved):\n"+traceback.format_exc()+"\n") def default_opener(): if sys.version_info >= (2,7,9) and not verify_SSL_certificates: opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(),HTTPSHandler(context=ssl._create_unverified_context())) # HTTPCookieProcessor needed for some redirects else: opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor()) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', default_ua), ('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')] return opener default_ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 or whatever you like (actually Webcheck)' # you can override this on a per-site basis with "User-Agent: whatever" # and undo again with "User-Agent:" on a line by itself. # Please override sparingly or with webmaster permission. # Let's not even mention it in the readme: we don't want to encourage # people to hide their tools from webmasters unnecessarily. class Delayer: def __init__(self,mainDomain): self.last_fetch_finished = 0 if mainDomain=="stackoverflow.com": # (or other Stack Exchange sites) self.delay = 80 # seconds between fetches to these sites else: self.delay = 3 # (want small if checking many pages and the server doesn't mind, but still non-0) def wait(self): time.sleep(max(0,self.last_fetch_finished+self.delay-time.time())) if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('.'),sys.stderr.flush() def done(self): self.last_fetch_finished = time.time() def worker_thread(*args): opener = [None] while True: try: mainDomain,job = jobs.get(False) except: return # no more jobs left try: delayer = Delayer(mainDomain) items = sorted(job.items()) # sorted will group http and https together items.reverse() while items: url,checklist = items.pop() if '\n' in url: url = url.split('\n') extraHeaders = url[1:] ; url = url[0] else: extraHeaders = [] if (url,'lastFetch') in previous_timestamps and not '--test-all' in sys.argv: # (--test-all is different from removing .webcheck.last because it shouldn't also re-output old items in RSS feeds) minDays = min(d[0] for d in checklist) if minDays and previous_timestamps[(url,'lastFetch')]+minDays >= dayNo(): continue oldPrev=previous_timestamps.get((url,'lastFetch'),None) previous_timestamps[(url,'lastFetch')] = dayNo() # (keep it even if minDays==0, because that might be changed by later edits of webcheck.list) try: r = doJob(opener,delayer,url,checklist,extraHeaders) except CDNBackoff: if oldPrev: previous_timestamps[(url,'lastFetch')] = oldPrev break # skip all other items in this domain set if r: # elseLogic yielded more items for this job (don't give to another thread, we need the same delayer as it might be retry on same URL) r.reverse() ; items += r # try to keep pop() sequence in order except Exception as e: print ("Unhandled exception processing job "+repr(job)) print (traceback.format_exc()) jobs.task_done() class CDNBackoff(Exception): pass import threading ; lock = threading.Lock() # webcheck-debug def doJob(opener,delayer,url,checklist,extraHeaders): failRet = [c[2] for c in checklist if c[2]] delayer.wait() if url.startswith("dns://"): # DNS lookup try: u,content = None, B(' '.join(sorted(set('('+x[-1][0]+')' for x in socket.getaddrinfo(url[6:],1))))) # TODO this 'sorted' is lexicographical not numeric; it should be OK for most simple cases though (keeping things in a defined order so can check 2 or 3 IPs on same line if the numbers are consecutive and hold same number of digits). Might be better if parse and numeric sort except: u,content=None,B("DNS lookup failed") textContent = content elif url.startswith("wd://"): # run webdriver (this type of url is set internally: see read_input) ua = [e for e in extraHeaders if e.lower().startswith('user-agent:')] if ua: ua=ua[0].split(':',1)[1].strip() else: ua = default_ua u,(content,wasError) = None, run_webdriver(ua,url[5:].split(chr(0)),not failRet) if wasError: return failRet textContent = None # parse 'content' if needed url = url[5:].split(chr(0),1)[0] # for display elif url.startswith("up://"): # just test if server is up, and no error if not try: if sys.version_info >= (2,7,9) and not verify_SSL_certificates: urlopen(url[5:],context=ssl._create_unverified_context(),timeout=60) else: urlopen(url[5:],timeout=60) u,content = None,B("yes") except: u,content = None,B("no") textContent = content elif url.startswith("e://"): # run edbrowse from subprocess import Popen,PIPE try: from subprocess import TimeoutExpired # Python 3.3+ except: TimeoutExpired = None edEnv=os.environ.copy() ; edEnv["TMPDIR"]=getoutput("(TMPDIR=/dev/shm mktemp -d -t edXXXXXX || mktemp -d -t edXXXXXX) 2>/dev/null") # ensure unique cache dir if we're running several threads (TODO: what about edbrowse 3.7.6 and below, which hard-codes a single cache dir in /tmp: had we better ensure only one of these is run at a time, just in case? 3.7.7+ honours TMPDIR) try: child = Popen(["edbrowse","-e"],-1,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,env=edEnv) except OSError: print ("webcheck misconfigured: couldn't run edbrowse") return # no need to update delayer, and probably no need to return failRet if it's an edbrowse misconfiguration edcmd = B("b "+url[4:].replace('\\','\n')+"\n,p\nqt\n") # but this isn't really the page source (asking edbrowse for page source would be equivalent to fetching it ourselves; it doesn't tell us the DOM) u = None if TimeoutExpired: try: content,stderr = child.communicate(edcmd,60) except TimeoutExpired: child.kill() ; content,stderr = child.communicate() else: content,stderr = child.communicate(edcmd) try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(edEnv["TMPDIR"]) except: pass if child.returncode: if not failRet: print ("edbrowse failed on "+url) # Most likely the failure was some link didn't exist when it should have, so show the output for debugging print ("edbrowse output was: "+repr(content)+"\n") delayer.done() ; return failRet textContent = content.replace(B('{'),B(' ')).replace(B('}'),B(' ')) # edbrowse uses {...} to denote links url = url[4:].split('\\',1)[0] # for display elif url.startswith("c://"): # run command content = getoutput(url[len("c://"):]) u = textContent = None elif url.startswith("blocks-lynx://"): r=Request(url[len("blocks-lynx://"):]) r.get_method=lambda:'HEAD' r.add_header('User-agent','Lynx/2.8.9dev.4 libwww-FM/2.14') u,content = None,B("no") # not blocking Lynx? try: urlopen(r,timeout=60) except Exception as e: if type(e) in [HTTPError,socket.error,socket.timeout,ssl.SSLError]: # MIGHT be blocking Lynx (SSLError can be raised if hit the timeout), check: r.add_header('User-agent',default_ua) try: urlopen(r,timeout=60) content = B("yes") # error ONLY with Lynx, not with default UA except Exception as e: print ("Info: "+url+" got "+str(type(e))+" even without Lynx header, so not flagging as Lynx-blocking") try: print (e.message) except: pass else: print ("Info: "+url+" got "+str(type(e))+" (check the server exists at all?)") try: print (e.message) except: pass textContent = content elif url.startswith("head://"): r=Request(url[len("head://"):]) r.get_method=lambda:'HEAD' for h in extraHeaders: r.add_header(*tuple(x.strip() for x in h.split(':',1))) if not any(h.lower().startswith("user-agent:") for h in extraHeaders): r.add_header('User-agent',default_ua) u=None if sys.version_info >= (2,7,9) and not verify_SSL_certificates: content=textContent=B(str(urlopen(r,context=ssl._create_unverified_context(),timeout=60).info())) else: content=textContent=B(str(urlopen(r,timeout=60).info())) elif url.startswith("gemini://"): u = None content,textContent = get_gemini(url) else: # normal URL if opener[0]==None: opener[0] = default_opener() u,content = tryRead(url,opener[0],extraHeaders,all(t[1] and not t[1].startswith('#') for t in checklist)) # don't monitorError for RSS feeds (don't try to RSS-parse an error message) textContent = None delayer.done() if content==None: return # not modified (so nothing to report), or problem retrieving (which will have been reported by tryRead0: TODO: return failRet in these circumstances so elseLogic can proceed?) if B(content).startswith(B("")) or B(content).startswith(B(''): out=check(t[1:],content,"Source of "+url,"") elif not t or t.startswith('#'): parseRSS(url,content,t.replace('#','',1).strip()) out = None # (no else: after real RSS, but you can do else: for no extracted items: that goes through check() above) else: if textContent==None: textContent,errmsg=htmlStrings(content) out=check(t,textContent,url,errmsg) if out: # something to alert, unless else: if item[2]: toRet.append(item[2]) # else: else: sys.stdout.write(out) # don't use 'print' or may have problems with threads return toRet class NoTracebackException(Exception): def __init__(self,message): self.message = message def run_webdriver(ua,actionList,reportErrors): global webdriver # so run_webdriver_inner has it try: from selenium import webdriver except: print ("webcheck misconfigured: can't import selenium (did you forget to set PYTHONPATH?)") return B(""), True try: from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options options = Options() ; options.headless = True browser = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) except Exception as eFfx: # probably no Headless Firefox, try Headless Chrome try: from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options opts = Options() opts.add_argument("--headless") opts.add_argument("--disable-gpu") opts.add_argument("--user-agent="+ua) try: from inspect import getfullargspec as getargspec # Python 3 except ImportError: try: from inspect import getargspec # Python 2 except ImportError: getargspec = None try: useOptions = 'options' in getargspec(webdriver.chrome.webdriver.WebDriver.__init__).args except: useOptions = False if useOptions: browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=opts) else: browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=opts) except Exception as eChrome: # probably no HeadlessChrome, try PhantomJS os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"]="offscreen" sa = ['--ssl-protocol=any'] if not verify_SSL_certificates: sa.append('--ignore-ssl-errors=true') try: browser = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_args=sa,service_log_path=os.path.devnull) except Exception as ePJS: print ("webcheck misconfigured: can't create Headless Firefox (%s), Headless Chrome (%s) or PhantomJS (%s). Check installation. (PATH=%s, cwd=%s, webdriver version %s)" % (str(eFfx),str(eChrome),str(ePJS),repr(os.environ.get("PATH","")),repr(os.getcwd()),repr(webdriver.__version__))) return B(""), True r = "" ; wasError = False try: r = run_webdriver_inner(actionList,browser) except CDNBackoff: browser.quit() ; raise except NoTracebackException as e: if reportErrors: print (e.message) else: wasError = True except: if reportErrors: print (traceback.format_exc()) else: wasError = True browser.quit() return r,wasError def run_webdriver_inner(actionList,browser): browser.set_window_size(1024, 768) browser.implicitly_wait(2) # we have our own 'wait for text' and delay values, so the implicit wait does not have to be too high def findElem(spec): if spec.startswith('#'): try: return browser.find_element_by_id(spec[1:]) except: return browser.find_element_by_name(spec[1:]) elif spec.startswith('.'): if '#' in spec: return browser.find_elements_by_class_name(spec[1:spec.index('#')])[int(spec.split('#')[1])-1] # .class#1, .class#2 etc to choose the Nth element of that class else: return browser.find_element_by_class_name(spec[1:]) else: return browser.find_element_by_link_text(spec) def getSrc(): def f(b,switchBack=[]): try: src = b.find_element_by_xpath("//*").get_attribute("outerHTML") except: return u"getSrc webdriver exception but can retry" # can get timing-related WebDriverException: Message: Error - Unable to load Atom 'find_element' for el in ['frame','iframe']: for frame in b.find_elements_by_tag_name(el): try: b.switch_to.frame(frame) except: # StaleElementReferenceException is possible for some reason src += "(Unable to switch to frame "+str(frame)+") " continue src += f(b,switchBack+[frame]) b.switch_to.default_content() for fr in switchBack: b.switch_to.frame(fr) return src return f(browser).encode('utf-8') snippets = [] for a in actionList: if a.startswith('http'): try: browser.get(a) except: raise NoTracebackException("webdriver low-level timeout or error fetching "+a) # e.g. selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException elif a.startswith('"') and a.endswith('"'): # wait for "string" to appear in the source tries = 30 while tries and not myFind(a[1:-1],getSrc()): time.sleep(2) ; tries -= 1 if not tries: src = getSrc() ; h=B(htmlStrings(src)[0]) if h.startswith(B("Just a moment...")) and B("Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue") in h: raise CDNBackoff() # 2024-07: can occur even in webdriver, even though that has JS + cookies try: current_url = browser.current_url except: current_url = "(unable to obtain)" raise NoTracebackException("webdriver timeout while waiting for %s, current URL is %s content \"%s\"\n" % (repr(a[1:-1]),current_url,repr(src))) # don't quote current URL: if the resulting email is viewed in (at least some versions of) MHonArc, a bug can result in " being added to the href elif a.startswith('[') and a.endswith(']'): # click findElem(a[1:-1]).click() elif a.startswith('/') and '/' in a[1:]: # click through items in a list to reveal each one (assume w/out Back) start = a[1:a.rindex('/')] delayAfter = a[a.rindex('/')+1:] curNo,startNo,endNo = 0,1,0 propagate_errors = False if ':' in delayAfter: delayAfter,rest = delayAfter.split(':') if rest.endswith('!'): propagate_errors = True rest = rest[:-1] if '-' in rest: startNo,endNo = rest.split('-') startNo,endNo = int(startNo),int(endNo) else: assert 0, "don't know how to parse "+rest try: delayAfter = int(delayAfter) except: delayAfter = 1 if start.startswith('.'): startClass = start[1:] if '.' in startClass: startClass,closeClass = startClass.split('.') else: closeClass = None if startNo>1 and sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('(skip %d)' % (startNo-1)),sys.stderr.flush() for m in browser.find_elements_by_class_name(startClass): curNo += 1 if curNo < startNo: continue if endNo and curNo > endNo: break try: m.click() if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('*'),sys.stderr.flush() except: if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('?'),sys.stderr.flush() if propagate_errors: raise NoTracebackException(a+" failed to open instance "+str(curNo)) else: continue time.sleep(delayAfter) snippets.append(getSrc()) if closeClass: l = list(browser.find_elements_by_class_name(closeClass)) for c in l: try: c.click() if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('x'),sys.stderr.flush() if not browser.find_elements_by_class_name(closeClass)==l: break # it did something except: pass # maybe it wasn't that one time.sleep(delayAfter) else: l = re.findall(B(' [iI][dD] *="('+re.escape(start)+'[^"]*)'),getSrc()) + re.findall(B(' [iI][dD] *=('+re.escape(start)+'[^"> ]*)'),getSrc()) for m in l: curNo += 1 if curNo < startNo: continue if endNo and curNo > endNo: break try: browser.find_element_by_id(m).click() if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('*'),sys.stderr.flush() # webdriver's '.' for click-multiple except: if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write('?'),sys.stderr.flush() if propagate_errors: raise NoTracebackException(a+" failed to open instance "+str(curNo)) else: continue time.sleep(delayAfter) snippets.append(getSrc()) elif '->' in a: # set a selection box spec, val = a.split('->',1) e = webdriver.support.ui.Select(findElem(spec)) if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'): val=val[1:-1] if val: e.select_by_visible_text(val) else: e.deselect_all() elif a.endswith('*0'): # clear a checkbox e = findElem(a[:-2]) if e.is_selected(): e.click() elif a.endswith('*1'): # check a checkbox e = findElem(a[:-2]) if not e.is_selected(): e.click() elif '=' in a: # put text in an input box spec, val = a.split('=',1) if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'): val=val[1:-1] findElem(spec).send_keys(val) elif re.match("[0-9]+$",a): time.sleep(int(a)) else: sys.stdout.write("Ignoring webdriver unknown action "+repr(a)+'\n') if sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.stderr.write(':'),sys.stderr.flush() # webdriver's '.' time.sleep(2) snippets.append(getSrc()) return B('\n').join(snippets) def get_gemini(url,nestLevel=0): if nestLevel > 9: return B("Too many redirects"),B("Too many redirects") url = B(url) host0 = host = re.match(B("gemini://([^/?#]*)"),url).groups(1)[0] port = re.match(B(".*:([0-9]+)$"),host) if port: port = int(port.groups(1)[0]) host = host[:host.rindex(B(":"))] else: port = 1965 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(60) ; s.connect((host,port)) try: protocol = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT # Python 3.6+ except: protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS ss = ssl.SSLContext(protocol) ss.check_hostname,ss.verify_mode = False,ssl.CERT_NONE s=ss.wrap_socket(s,server_hostname=host) s.send(url+B("\r\n")) ; g=[] while not g or g[-1]: g.append(s.recv()) s.close() ; g=B("").join(g) if B("\r\n") in g: header,body = g.split(B("\r\n"),1) else: header,body = g,B("") if B(" ") in header: status,meta = header.split(B(" "),1) else: status,meta = B("?"),header try: status = int(status) except: status = 0 if 20 <= status <= 29: if meta.startswith(B("text/gemini")): txtonly = re.sub(B("\n *=> +[^ ]*"),B("\n"),body) elif B("html") in meta: txtonly = None # will result in htmlStrings else: txtonly = body return body,txtonly elif 30 <= status <= 39: if meta.startswith(B("gemini://")): return get_gemini(meta,nestLevel+1) elif meta.startswith(B("/")): return get_gemini(B("gemini://")+host0+meta,nestLevel+1) else: return get_gemini(url[:url.rindex(B("/"))+1]+meta,nestLevel+1) # TODO: handle ../ ourselves? or let server do it? (early protocol specification and practice unclear) else: return meta,meta # input prompt, error message, or certificate required def dayNo(): return int(time.mktime(time.localtime()[:3]+(0,)*6))/(3600*24) def tryRead(url,opener,extraHeaders,monitorError=True,refreshTry=5): oldAddHeaders = opener.addheaders[:] for h in extraHeaders: if h.lower().startswith("user-agent") and opener.addheaders[0][0]=="User-agent": del opener.addheaders[0] # User-agent override (will be restored after by oldAddHeaders) (TODO: override in run_webdriver also) opener.addheaders.append(tuple(x.strip() for x in h.split(':',1))) if (url,'lastMod') in previous_timestamps and not '--test-all' in sys.argv: opener.addheaders.append(("If-Modified-Since",previous_timestamps[(url,'lastMod')])) if keep_etags and (url,'ETag') in previous_timestamps and not '--test-all' in sys.argv: opener.addheaders.append(("If-None-Match",previous_timestamps[(url,'lastMod')])) ret = tryRead0(url,opener,monitorError) opener.addheaders = oldAddHeaders if refreshTry: # meta refresh redirects u,content = ret if content: m = re.search(br'(?is).*?.*?',content) # TODO: if string found, remove comments and re-check (or even parse properly) ? else: m = None # content==None if 304 not modified if m: m = m.groups(1)[0] if type(u"")==type(""): m=m.decode('latin1') return tryRead(urlparse.urljoin(url,m),opener,extraHeaders,monitorError,refreshTry-1) return ret def tryRead0(url,opener,monitorError): url = re.sub("[^!-~]+",lambda m:quote(m.group()),url) # it seems some versions of the library do this automatically but others don't u = None try: u = opener.open(url,timeout=60) return u,tryGzip(u.read()) except HTTPError as e: if e.code==304: return None,None # not modified elif monitorError: return None,tryGzip(e.fp.read()) # as might want to monitor some phrase on a 404 page sys.stdout.write("Error "+str(e.code)+" retrieving "+linkify(url)+"\n") ; return None,None except: # try it with a fresh opener and no headers try: if sys.version_info >= (2,7,9) and not verify_SSL_certificates: u = build_opener(OurRedirHandler(),HTTPCookieProcessor(),HTTPSHandler(context=ssl._create_unverified_context())).open(url,timeout=60) else: u = build_opener(OurRedirHandler(),HTTPCookieProcessor()).open(url,timeout=60) return u,tryGzip(u.read()) except HTTPError as e: if monitorError: return u,tryGzip(e.fp.read()) sys.stdout.write("Error "+str(e.code)+" retrieving "+linkify(url)+"\n") ; return None,None except URLError as e: # don't need full traceback for URLError, just the message itself sys.stdout.write("Problem retrieving "+linkify(url)+"\n"+str(e)+"\n") return None,None except socket.timeout: sys.stdout.write("Timed out retrieving "+linkify(url)+"\n") return None,None except: # full traceback by default sys.stdout.write("Problem retrieving "+linkify(url)+"\n"+traceback.format_exc()) return None,None class OurRedirHandler(HTTPErrorProcessor): def __init__(self,nestLevel=0): self.nestLevel = nestLevel def our_response(self,request,response,prefix): try: code=response.code except: return response if code not in [301,302,303,307,308]: return response url = re.sub("[^!-~]+",lambda m:quote(m.group()),response.headers['Location']) # not all versions of the library do this, so we'll do it here if simple-open failed if self.nestLevel>9: raise Exception("too many redirects") if url.startswith("//"): url=prefix+url elif url.startswith("/"): url=urlparse.urljoin(request.get_full_url(),url) if sys.version_info >= (2,7,9) and not verify_SSL_certificates: return build_opener(OurRedirHandler(self.nestLevel+1),HTTPCookieProcessor(),HTTPSHandler(context=ssl._create_unverified_context())).open(url,timeout=60) else: return build_opener(OurRedirHandler(self.nestLevel+1),HTTPCookieProcessor()).open(url,timeout=60) def http_response(self,request,response): return self.our_response(request,response,"http:") def https_response(self,request,response): return self.our_response(request,response,"https:") def tryGzip(t): try: return gzip.GzipFile('','rb',9,StringIO(t)).read() except: return t def check(text,content,url,errmsg): if ' #' in text: text,comment = text.split(' #',1) # (comments must be preceded by a space, otherwise interpreted as part of the text as this is sometimes needed in codes) else: comment = "" orig_comment = comment = comment.strip() if comment: comment="\n "+paren(comment) text = text.strip() assert text # or should have gone to parseRSS instead if text.startswith('{') and text.endswith('}') and '...' in text: return extract(url,content,text[1:-1].split('...'),orig_comment) elif text.startswith("!"): # 'not', so alert if DOES contain if len(text)==1: return # TODO: print error? if myFind(text[1:],content): return url+" contains "+text[1:]+comment+errmsg+"\n" elif not myFind(text,content): # alert if DOESN'T contain r=linkify(url)+" no longer contains "+text+comment+errmsg+"\n" if '??show?' in orig_comment: writeBuf(sys.stdout,B("Debug: contents of "+linkify(url)+" is:\n")+B(content)+B('\n')) # TODO: document this return r def parseRSS(url,content,comment): from xml.parsers import expat parser = expat.ParserCreate() items = [[[],[],[],[]]] ; curElem = [None] def StartElementHandler(name,attrs): if name in ['item','entry']: items.append([[],[],[],[]]) if name=='title': curElem[0]=0 elif name=='link': curElem[0]=1 elif name in ['description','summary']: curElem[0]=2 elif name=='pubDate': curElem[0]=3 else: curElem[0]=None if name=='link' and 'href' in attrs: # (note this isn't the ONLY way an href could get in: http... is also possible, and is handled by CharacterDataHandler below, hence EndElementHandler is important for separating links) items[-1][curElem[0]].append(attrs['href']+' ') def EndElementHandler(name): if name in ['item','entry']: # ensure any s outside s are separated items.append([[],[],[],[]]) curElem[0]=None elif name in ['description','summary','title','link']: if not curElem[0]==None: items[-1][curElem[0]].append(' ') # ensure any additional ones are space-separated curElem[0]=None def CharacterDataHandler(data): if data and not curElem[0]==None: items[-1][curElem[0]].append(data) parser.StartElementHandler = StartElementHandler parser.EndElementHandler = EndElementHandler parser.CharacterDataHandler = CharacterDataHandler if type(u"")==type("") and not type(content)==type(""): content = content.decode("utf-8") # Python 3 (expat needs 'strings' on each platform) try: parser.Parse(re.sub("&[A-Za-z]*;",entityref,content),1) except expat.error as e: sys.stdout.write("RSS parse error in "+url+paren(comment)+":\n"+repr(e)+"\n(You might want to check if this URL is still serving RSS)\n\n") # and continue with handleRSS ? (it won't erase our existing items if the new list is empty, as it will be in the case of the parse error having been caused by a temporary server error) for i in xrange(len(items)): items[i][1] = "".join(urlparse.urljoin(url,w) for w in "".join(items[i][1]).strip().split()).strip() # handle links relative to the RSS itself for j in [0,2,3]: items[i][j]=re.sub(r"\s+"," ",u"".join(U(x) for x in items[i][j])).strip() handleRSS(url,items,comment) def entityref(m): m=m.group()[1:-1] ; m2 = None try: m2=unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[m]) except: try: if m.startswith("#x"): m2=unichr(int(m[2:],16)) elif m.startswith("#"): m2=unichr(int(m[1:])) except: pass if m2 and not m2 in "<>&": if type(u"")==type(""): return m2 else: return m2.encode('utf-8') return "&"+m+";" def paren(comment): comment = " ".join(comment.replace("??track-links-only?","").split()) if not comment or (comment.startswith('(') and comment.endswith(')')): return comment else: return " ("+comment+")" def handleRSS(url,items,comment,itemType="RSS/Atom"): newItems = [] ; pKeep = set() for title,link,txt,date in items: if not title: continue # valid entry must have title if "??track-links-only?" in comment: hashTitle,hashTxt = date,"" # TODO: document this, it's for when text might change because for example we're fetching it through an add-annotation CGI that can change, but don't ignore if the publication date has changed due to an update (TODO: might be better to do this via a 'pipe to postprocessing' option instead?) else: hashTitle,hashTxt = title,re.sub("]*>","",txt) # (ignore HTML markup in RSS, since it sometimes includes things like renumbered IDs) k = (url,'seenItem',hashlib.md5(repr((hashTitle,link,hashTxt)).encode("utf-8")).digest()) # TODO: option not to call hashlib, in case someone has the space and is concerned about the small probability of hash collisions? (The Python2-only version of webcheck just used Python's built-in hash(), but in Python 3 that is no longer stable across sessions, so use md5) pKeep.add(k) if k in previous_timestamps and not '--show-seen-rss' in sys.argv: continue # seen this one already previous_timestamps[k] = True txt = re.sub("&#x([0-9A-Fa-f]*);",lambda m:unichr(int(m.group(1),16)),re.sub("&#([0-9]*);",lambda m:unichr(int(m.group(1))),txt)) # decode &#..; HTML entities (sometimes used for CJK), but leave < etc as-is (in RSS it would have originated with a double-'escaped' < within 'escaped' html markup) txt = re.sub("]*>",simplifyTag,txt) # avoid overly-verbose HTML (but still allow some) txt = re.sub("<[pPbBiIuUsS]>","",txt).strip() # sometimes left after simplifyTag removes img if txt: txt += '\n' newItems.append(title+'\n'+txt+linkify(link)) if not pKeep: return # if the feed completely failed to fetch, don't erase what we have for k in list(previous_timestamps.keys()): if k[:2]==(url,'seenItem') and not k in pKeep: del previous_timestamps[k] # dropped from the feed if newItems: writeBuf(sys.stdout,(str(len(newItems))+" new "+itemType+" items in "+url+paren(comment)+' :\n'+'\n---\n'.join(n.strip() for n in newItems)+'\n\n').encode('utf-8')) def simplifyAttr(match): m = match.group() if m.lower().startswith(" href="): return m else: return "" def simplifyTag(match): m = match.group() t = m.split()[0].replace('<','').replace('>','').replace('/','') if t=='a': return re.sub(' [A-Za-z]+="[^"]*"',simplifyAttr,m) elif t in ['p','br','em','strong','b','i','u','s']: if ' ' in m: return m.split()[0]+'>' # strip attributes else: return m else: return "" # strip entire tag def linkify(link): return S(link).replace("(","%28").replace(")","%29") # for email clients etc that terminate URLs at parens def extract(url,content,startEndMarkers,comment): assert len(startEndMarkers)==2, "Should have exactly one '...' between the braces when extracting items" start,end = startEndMarkers content,start,end = B(content),B(start),B(end) i=0 ; items = [] while True: i = content.find(start,i) if i==-1: break j = content.find(end,i+len(start)) if j==-1: break c = content[i+len(start):j].decode('utf-8').strip() if c: items.append(('Auto-extracted text:','',c,"")) # NB the 'title' field must not be empty (unless we relocate that logic to parseRSS instead of handleRSS) i = j+len(end) if not items: return ("No items were extracted from "+url+" via "+S(start)+"..."+S(end)+" (check that site changes haven't invalidated this extraction rule)") else: handleRSS(url,items,comment,"extracted") def myFind(text,content): text,content = B(text),B(content) if text[:1]==B("*"): return re.search(text[1:],content) elif text in content: return True return normalisePunc(text) in normalisePunc(content) def normalisePunc(t): "normalise apostrophes; collapse (but don't ignore) whitespace and   ignore double-quotes because they might have been elements; fold case" for s,r in [ (u"\u2013".encode('utf-8'),B("-")), # en-dash (u"\u2019".encode('utf-8'),B("'")), (u"\u2018".encode('utf-8'),B("'")), (u"\u201C".encode('utf-8'),B("")), (u"\u201D".encode('utf-8'),B("")), (B('"'),B("")), (u"\u00A0".encode('utf-8'),B(" ")), (u"\uFEFF".encode('utf-8'),B("")), (u"\u200B".encode('utf-8'),B("")) ]: t=t.replace(s,r) return re.sub(B(r"(\s)\s+"),B(r"\1"),t).lower() if __name__=="__main__": if "--version" in sys.argv: print(__doc__) elif "--help" in sys.argv: print("python webcheck.py [--single-thread] [--test-all] [--show-seen-rss] | --help | --version") else: main()